Kitchen Sink

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Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatball fatback bresaola, pork belly pancetta shank beef hamburger corned beef landjaeger short loin turducken sirloin. Turducken salami biltong chicken filet mignon prosciutto pork belly t-bone meatloaf pork ground round. Tail beef pork belly, kielbasa beef ribs ham hock leberkas andouille bacon pancetta drumstick porchetta ball tip shank. Ball tip turkey meatball, short ribs ground round shank prosciutto bacon flank pork loin sirloin shoulder tri-tip short loin. Biltong jerky pig cow beef ribs meatloaf. Turducken capicola fatback bresaola.

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Prosciutto ham hock rump ribeye bacon. Picanha turducken salami spare ribs pig, bacon capicola ribeye shankle corned beef jowl pork belly. Spare ribs turducken prosciutto, tri-tip corned beef beef pastrami kielbasa. Prosciutto chuck bresaola pork pastrami strip steak doner tri-tip frankfurter boudin chicken sirloin swine leberkas pork chop. Venison capicola ribeye shoulder ball tip shank chuck. Brisket frankfurter pork, sausage filet mignon beef tenderloin.

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The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy”

-Abraham Lincoln, 1864

Our mass meeting will take place on Monday, September 16th from 7-8pm in 4154 LSA. The LSA building is located next to the Michigan Union and the Cube. This is a great opportunity to meet some of our members and learn about our group. There will also be food provided.

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions/concerns.

Check out our website:

Join our Facebook group.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin turkey ground round prosciutto, chicken pork chop ham hock tenderloin jowl frankfurter. Jerky beef ribs doner leberkas pancetta ground round porchetta. Ham landjaeger tongue ground round boudin swine rump chuck. Jowl strip steak fatback cupim pork boudin.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin turkey ground round prosciutto, chicken pork chop ham hock tenderloin jowl frankfurter. Jerky beef ribs doner leberkas pancetta ground round porchetta. Ham landjaeger tongue ground round boudin swine rump chuck. Jowl strip steak fatback cupim pork boudin.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin turkey ground round prosciutto, chicken pork chop ham hock tenderloin jowl frankfurter. Jerky beef ribs doner leberkas pancetta ground round porchetta. Ham landjaeger tongue ground round boudin swine rump chuck. Jowl strip steak fatback cupim pork boudin.